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高句丽是汉唐时期建立于我国东北地区的民族政权,延续七百余年。历史上其都城曾两迁三治,公元427年迁都平壤直至灭亡,以平壤为都的时间占高句丽政权延续时间的1/3强。目前我国学界对于境内的高句丽遗存已有深入的研究,但对朝鲜境内高句丽遗存却长期缺乏认识,大多只能通过日、韩学者的一些相关研究与报道获得部分片段信息,难以掌握其全貌。壁画墓是朝鲜境内最具代表性的高句丽遗存之一,系统地整理壁画墓的材料能让我国学者充分了解其分布、类型、构造与壁画内容,进而在研究中补充和修正以往以集安、桓仁地区高句丽壁画墓为研究对象得出的相关学术认识,对于探索高句丽中晚期的社会面貌也是大有裨益的。 Goguryeo was established in the Han and Tang Dynasties in the northeast region of our national government, lasted seven hundred years. Historically, the capital city had moved two villages and three villages. In 427 AD, Pyongyang moved to the capital to perish and its time in Pyongyang accounted for one third of the continuation of the Goguryeo regime. At present, scholars in our country have made in-depth studies on the remains of the Goguryeo in China. However, they have not been aware of the remains of the Kogu-Li in Korea for a long time, and most of them can only get partial information through some relevant researches and reports by Japanese and South Korean scholars. Mural tombs are one of the most representative remains of Koguryo in Korea. The systematic sorting of materials of mural tombs enables our scholars to fully understand their distribution, types, structures and content of mural paintings. In the meantime, Huanren area Goguryeo mural tombs for the study of the relevant academic understanding, for exploring the social landscape of Goguryeo is also of great benefit.
宝鸡市地处我国西北交通枢纽,位于陕西西部,有着悠久的历史,丰富的文化资源,但旅游经济却发展缓慢。本文试图对这一问题进行研究分析,提出相应对策。 (一) 宝鸡市具有发展旅