如果说以蒸汽机为代表的工业革命近两百年来所创造的生产力,超过了革命前所有世纪人类生产力的总和,那么发韧于二战之后、初步形成于 20世纪 90年代的全球规模性信息时代在短短十年间创造的生产力,恐怕将令经济学家和历史学家不得不为伟大的工业革命而叹息了。初见端倪的知
If the productive forces created by the industrial revolution represented by steam engines for nearly two centuries exceed the sum total of manpower productivity in all centuries before the revolution, they will be initially formed in the era of global information age of the 1990s after World War II The productivity that has been created in just a decade will probably make economists and historians have to sigh for the great industrial revolution. Clues to the beginning of knowledge