综 述我国家具工业的现状与机遇……张帝树Ⅰ(3)试论砂光质量、效率和成本………李道育Ⅰ(8)家具产业的发展与绿色思维………………胡景初Ⅱ(3)关于发展竹材人造板工业的思考………赵仁杰Ⅱ(6)木材工业用胶粘剂的现状及发展趋势 …………………………………王春鹏
Review of the status quo and opportunities of China’s furniture industry ...... Zhang Dishi Shu (3) on the sanding quality, efficiency and cost ......... Li Daoyu I (8) furniture industry development and green thinking .................. Hu Jingchu Ⅱ (3) On the development of bamboo plywood industry thinking ......... Zhao Renjie Ⅱ (6) wood industry adhesive status and trends ....................................... Wang Chunpeng