
来源 :中国书法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gzlongzhijian
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二○○五年五月十八日上午九时,著名书法家、书法理论家林鹏草书展在中国美术馆隆重开幕。出席开幕式的有国防大学校长裴怀亮中将,副政委李殿仁中将,著名学者、书法家、首都师范大学博士生导师欧阳中石,中国书协顾问李铎,著名书法家夏湘平,中国书协分党组书记驻会副主席张飙,中国美协副主席、中国美术馆馆长冯远,中国书协副秘书长张虎,以及在京的书画界、新闻界和观众数百人出席了开幕式,开幕式由中国书协外联部主任蔡祥麟主持。中国书协副主席申万胜少将代表中国书协致开幕词。山西省委宣传部副部长张明亮,山西省文联主席、书协主席李才旺分别代表山西省委宣传部、山西省文联,省书协致词。裴怀亮、李殿仁、欧阳中石、李铎、夏湘平、张飙、杨炳延等为开幕式剪彩。上午十时三十分,“林鹏草书研讨会”在中国美术馆学术厅举行。研讨会由中国书协中直分会副主席兼秘 At 9:00 on May 18, 2005, Lin Peng cursive exhibition of famous calligrapher and calligrapher was grandly opened at the China Art Museum. At the opening ceremony, Lieutenant Pei Huailiang, president of the National Defense University, Lieutenant General Li Dianren, deputy political commissar, famous scholar and calligrapher, doctoral tutor at Capital Normal University, Ouyang Zhongshi, consultant Li Duo of China Calligraphers, Xia Xiangping, famous calligrapher, Zhang Biao, vice chairman of the secretary-general and vice chairman of the Chinese Artists Association, Feng Yuan, curator of the China Art Museum, Zhang Hu, deputy secretary general of the China Association of Shijie, and hundreds of people from the calligraphy and painting circles in Beijing, the press and the audience attended the opening ceremony. By the China Association of Calligraphy Association Director Cai Xianglin chaired. Major General Shen Wansheng, vice chairman of China Shushu Association, delivered an opening speech on behalf of the Chinese Calligraphers Association. Shanxi Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department Zhang Mingliang, Shanxi Province Federation of Literary and Art Circles Chairman Li Caiwang, respectively, on behalf of the Propaganda Department of Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, Shanxi Province Federation of Literary, Provincial Book Association speech. Pei Huai liang, Li Dianren, Ouyang Zhongshi, Li Duo, Xia Xiangping, Zhang Biao, Yang Bingyan and other ribbon-cutting for the opening ceremony. At ten thirty in the morning, Lin Peng cursive seminar was held in the Academic Hall of the National Art Museum of China. Seminar by the Chinese book club in the branch vice chairman and secret
在佛陀前  她们在每个佛像前磕头  双手合十,眼睛微闭  我也学着她们跪下,上香,低下  被风吹拂了四十多年的头  我没有许愿,只是机械地重复  这些被命名的佛陀,被我们供奉在高处  享受升腾起来的烟火  仿佛升腾是通往幸福的必经  没有人知道,佛陀们也有  迷茫的时候,只是他们从不言语  我跟着人群,逐一  参观每个殿堂,也跪着许愿  升腾起来的烟火像某种暗示  我们经过了时间  也经过了众人的
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