我国物流产业对民营资本的开放远远落后于对外资的开放.外资和民营资本进入物流产业的政策的非对称性,为资本雄厚、管理经验丰富的外资物流企业在中国市场上的大规模并购抢占了先机.凭借这些优势,外资物流企业开始了以民营物流企业为主要并购对象、以股权并购和资产并购为主要方式、以全球战略为主要并购战略的大规模并购.外资并购为民营物流企业融资和打破地方保护主义进行市场扩张提供便利的同时,也使民营物流企业的品牌保护和生存空间陷入了困境.“,”The logistics industry is less open to the private capital compared to the foreign capital in China. The asymmetric poli cy toward the foreign and private capital offers the capital-intensive and experienced foreign logistics enterprises a privilege in M&A. The foreign logistics enterprise begin to merge and aquire the enterprise in the market by targeting primarily on the private logistics enterprise by the stock and asset M&A with the global strategy. The foreign M&A facilitates the private logistics finance and break the local protectionlism to expand market, and it will threat the brand and the survival of the private logistics enter-prise.