法学是一门既有深厚理论基础又有很强实践性的学科。在公安院校法学教学中 ,应加强实践性教学环节 ,培养学生灵活、综合运用法律知识的能力和理论联系实际的能力。长期以来 ,由于受传统应试教育和培养模式的影响 ,公安院校课程从课程设置到教学都存在一些问题 ,忽视对实际操作能力和思辨、创新能力的培养。我们要在全国教育改革的大形势下 ,采取一些措施 ,增强实践性教学 ,除采取案例教学、启发式教学、提问式教学外 ,要大力推广课堂讨论教学法、判例教学法、模拟法庭训练教学法、法律诊所式教学法和司法观摩、法律信箱或法律咨询等教学方法或训练方式 ,增强学生的思辨能力、应变能力和实际操作能力。
Law is a discipline that has both profound theoretical foundation and practicality. In the teaching of law in public security colleges and universities, the practical teaching should be strengthened, and the students’ ability to flexibly use the legal knowledge and the ability to integrate the theory with the practice should be cultivated. For a long time, due to the influence of traditional examination-oriented education and training mode, there are some problems in the course of public security colleges and universities from the curriculum setup to the teaching, ignoring the cultivation of practical ability and speculative and innovative ability. We should take some measures to enhance practical teaching under the general situation of national education reform. In addition to adopting case teaching, heuristic teaching and question-based teaching, we should vigorously promote classroom discussions on teaching methods, case law teaching methods and moot court training teaching Law, legal clinic teaching and judicial observation, legal mail or legal advice and other teaching methods or training methods to enhance students’ ability of thinking, adaptability and practical ability.