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糖尿病预防研究 (DPP)的结果在 2 0 0 1年 8月 8日由美国国立卫生研究院的国立糖尿病、消化及肾病研究院 (NIDDK)公布 ,结论认为 2型糖尿病可以预防或显著延缓其发病。该研究所用的两种方法———饮食和运动治疗以及用糖尿病药 (二甲双胍 )均有效 ,而且生活方式改变更 The results of the Diabetes Prevention Study (DPP) were published by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Research (NIDDK) of the National Institutes of Health on August 8, 2001 and concluded that type 2 diabetes may prevent or significantly delay its onset . The two methods used in this study - diet and exercise therapy as well as diabetes mellitus (metformin) are effective, and lifestyle changes are more
We acknowledge our sincere thanks to our reviewers.Many reviewers have contributed their expertise and time to the peer review,a critical process to ensure the
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