
来源 :海相油气地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoyu19771121
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于1999年9月中旬在杭州召开的“海相碳酸盐岩与油气国际学术研讨会”会务组决定,本次研讨会的论文将由杭州石油地质所《海相油气地质》杂志负责出版论文专集。“论文集”汇编的范围包括本次研讨会的所有在约稿、会中演讲稿、未来得及收入会议摘要汇编的稿件。论文集以中文形式出版,英文论文将译成中文出版。“论文集”的出版时间:2000年6月;截稿时间:2000年1月31日。请与本次研讨会有关的论文作者在截稿时间前将论文和软盘寄至或用E-mail传稿至《海相油气地质》编辑部。联系人:张跃平赵国宪 In mid-September 1999 held in Hangzhou, “Marine Carbonates and Hydrocarbons International Symposium,” the task group decided that the symposium papers will be published by the Hangzhou Petroleum Geology “Marine Gas Geology” magazine is responsible for publishing essays . The collection of Proceedings includes all manuscripts in this seminar, speeches in the meeting and manuscripts compiled in the abstracts of income conferences in the future. Papers are published in Chinese, English papers will be translated into Chinese. Publication Date: June 2000; Deadline: January 31, 2000. Please send essays and floppy disks to the author of the essay papers related to this symposium or send them by e-mail to the editorial department of “Marine Gas and Oil and Gas” before the deadline. Contact: Zhang Yueping Zhao Guoxian
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