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在低迷状态中徘徊近两年的中国艺术品拍卖市场,伴随着股市火爆的氛围,一扫阴霾,呈现了理性上升趋势。综观五月各拍卖公司的成交业绩,中国嘉德、保利、诚轩、永乐等拍卖公司均有不俗表现,艺术品市场逐渐走出低迷状态。在春拍正式开始之前,可能很多人事先大都没有预料到今春拍卖市场的火热程度,实际上,看似出人意料的高价背后.有着市场供求引发的必然,在国家宏观经济日益健康而良性发展的今天,投资者的信心越来越强,正所谓收藏兴于盛世。从近期经济政策看,由于国家出台了一系列房产市场调控政策,使得部分炒卖房产的资金转入股市,为了分解投资风险,一些投资商更抽出部分资金投入艺术品市场,也刺激了艺术品价位的提升。具体到拍卖行业,竞争也使得拍卖企业注意控制拍品的数量和质量。对火热的市场,《中国拍卖》将给予更多的关注。我们将与您共同关注艺术品拍卖的走势和发生在背后的故事。本期的春拍专题,《中国拍卖》记者亲赴拍卖现场,通过观察、采访、数据收集等多种方式,见证了今春艺术品拍卖市场的新热点,新现象。六月,全国又有数十家拍卖公司举槌开拍了,艺术品市场的“牛市”能否延续下去?拍卖公司将有哪些“宝贝”亮相?拍卖场内外的哪些事件会成为焦点? In the downturn, the Chinese art auction market, which has been hovering for nearly two years, accompanied by the hot atmosphere of the stock market swept the haze and showed a rational upward trend. Looking at the sales performance of all the auction houses in May, the auction houses in China such as Guardian, Poly, Chengxuan and Yongle performed well, and the art market is gradually out of downturn. Before the Spring Auction was officially launched, many people probably did not anticipate the fiery auction market this spring, in fact, behind the seemingly unexpected high price. With the inevitable market supply and demand, and with the healthy and sound development of the country’s macroeconomics today , Investor confidence is getting stronger, is the so-called favorite prosperous. From the recent economic policy, due to the introduction of a series of real estate market regulation and control policies, making part of the real estate funds into the stock market, in order to break down the investment risk, some investors even more part of the funds drawn into the art market, but also to stimulate the art Price increase. Specific to the auction industry, the competition also makes the auction business pay attention to control the quantity and quality of the auction. For the hot market, the “Chinese Auction” will give more attention. We will work with you to follow the trend of the art auction and the story behind it. In this issue of Spring Auction, the reporters of “Chinese Auction” went to the auction site and witnessed new hot spots and new phenomena in this spring’s art auction market through various ways such as observation, interview and data collection. In June, there are dozens of other auction houses in the country who have taken the hammer, whether the “bull market” in the art market can be continued or not? What are the “baby” appearances in the auction company? Which events inside and outside the auction house will become focus?
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主持人语 “读者·作者·编者”栏目今日刊出一组文章。文章以短小见长,多则三四百字,少则百字;就事论理,以理论事;或阐发一个观点,或论述一个主张;形式多样,不拘一格。欢迎
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