Looking the Other Side: the Clash Between Reality and Imagination

来源 :成长·读写月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jimmil
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  In the film Blue Jasmine directed by Woody Allen, Jasmine, the protagonist took the first flight with her Louis Vuitton luggage and reached her middle class adoptive sister Ginger’s San Francisco cramped apartment. Her rich husband, a?devilishly handsome Manhattan financier Hal had committed suicide in prison for tax evasion and fraud; her stepson dropped out university for shame and humiliation and left Jasmine to where she did not know. The homes, the cars, the furs, the jewels, the furniture all went to the government, leaving the penniless Jasmine nothing but her clothes and bags so that she had but to move in with her sister whom she had always contempt and despised until she gets back on her feet.
  As the title suggested, Jasmine was blue, in another word, she was deeply depressed. Once, she was a Park Avenue socialite, bathed in privilege, spoiled by her husband, but after all these traumas, Jasmine developed a habit of talking to herself, babbling about her life, haranguing at anyone unlucky enough to be in earshot, constantly reaching for a drink, gasping for breath, eyes darting with cornered panic, thoughts millions miles away. Having being a woman constantly teetering on the edge of collapse, she was addicted to booze and prescription drugs.
  It seems that Jasmine’s tragedy should be attributed to her husband Hal who was a cheap crook, cheated on her and stole other people’s money. But Jasmine is not beyond blame. Though she declared that she did not know Hal’s crime, that she knew nothing about economy or business, actually she knew exactly of what was going on around her for the clue gave away as she talked to herself at the end of the film, “of course, you know, I probably did suspect that not everything Hal did was always 100-percent aboveboard”. It all had to do with her attitude: she constantly looked the other way. She averted her eyes from reality and the truth she does not want to see, never admit the clash of reality and the imagination and immersed herself in the delusion that she owned wealth and love. Her desire for wealth and love or aggression drives is what Freud termed as id characterized by a tremendous and amorphous vitality functioning to fulfill the primordial life principle, which Freud considers to be the pleasure principle without any consideration of value, good, evil or morality. For the individual to function in the society, the impulse of id can not focus on satisfaction, they must respect the reality of the world and the superego. So ego and superego are the other two agents in Freud’s structural model of the mind. The former is a regulating agency, governed by reality principle to protect the individual. As Freud points out, “In popular language, we may say that ego stands for reason and circumspection, while the id stands for the untamed passions.” It is ego that is supposed to balance the two opposing forces of id and superego. Largely unconscious and dominated by morality principle, the latter, superego, another regulating agent, representing the acquired and internalized set of values and ethics and giving the individual the sense of what is right and what is wrong to feel, think and do with the function of protecting the society. Therefore, generally speaking, when a woman’s id impulse or the desire to remain the golden existence with her husband’s money and a happy marriage life conflicts with the superego, the sense that her husband business and extramarital affairs are illegal, feelings of anxiety would come to surface, often accompanied by feelings of guilt, embarrassment, and shame. When anxiety becomes too overwhelming, it is then the place of the ego to employ defense mechanisms to protect the individual by changing the id impulses into acceptable forms, or by unconsciously blocking of these impulses and thus reducing anxiety. She could have a talk with him and encourage him to stop illegal business, confess his crime and start all over again. She could get a divorce, move out of the house and find a better man or forgive him, have him make promise to be loyal to his wife. In doing so, her ego functions well in balancing the two forces of id and superego and protect herself from anxiety. But in Jasmine’s case, her ego was shattered for failing to balance the two forces and caused her a mental problem. Jasmine or her superego was supposed to drive her to debunk Hal’s criminal actions and his infidelity to marriage out of morality. But her id and desire for wealth is more powerful and thus the ego shut its eye to reality.
  Her denial of knowing her husband’s crime did not prevent her husband from being a phony. Her silence gave him more excuses to continue his crime, and made the bad situation even worse. She persuaded her sister and her ex-husband Augie who had won a lottery with 200,000 bucks to invest with Hal, but lost every penny of their money, their once-in-lifetime chance of being rich, which may be a reason for their divorce. After her husband’s imprisonment, she told people around her that she knew nothing about financial schemes as excuse for her mistake and showed no guilt for her sister and by doing so avoiding self-condemnation or condemnation by others, which is the rationalization, another ego defense mechanism.
【摘 要】随着信息社会的发展,计算机应用已经从原先的办公领域拓展到商务领域、美术领域、影视领域、行业领域和计算机本专业领域。计算机应用的广泛应用对中职生的技术要求有了新的要求,本文针对计算机应用专业在教学与实践上出现的“脱节”现象探讨计算机应用专业创新型人才培养的问题,提出了“以赛促学,把比赛带入课堂”的教学模式。这种教学教学模式有助于提高学生学习积极性,能够及时检测学生学习效果,有助于提高学生专
【摘 要】探索高中信息技术教学的有效方法和途径,从而提升高中信息技术教学实效,培养学生的信息素养。本文分别从联系生活激发学生的学习兴趣,利用教学软件指导学生进行操作,采用任务驱动教学提升学习实效,课堂教学与课外实践活动相结合等方面进行论述。  【关键词】高中信息技术;教学;实效  高中信息技术是一门重要的学科,其肩负着培养学生信息素养的重任,特别是对学生操作能力和创新能力的培养有着重要的作用。随着
青少年时期的孩子正处在一个成长发育阶段,对一些社会上的事物缺乏正确理解和认识容易出现偏激行动,面对这种现状,公共图书馆如何提升未成年人服务能力,让更多的未成年人走进图书馆,从而提高他们的读书兴趣是值得我们高度重视的一个问题。  一、主动发挥图书馆作为公共文化设施的作用  加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设是一项重大而紧迫的战略任务,未成年人是祖国未来的建设者,是中国特色社会主义事业的接班人。他们的思想
【摘 要】随着互联网的普及和网络下载的流行,世界唱片市场不断萎缩,人们越来越习惯在网上下载音乐而不是去实体店购买唱片。然而,在日本实体唱片市场依旧坚挺,唱片銷售额每年都能保持平稳增长。唱片销量仍然是验证一个歌手人气的重要方式。本文通过分析,世界唱片行业的现状,日本唱片行业的的发展,总结对中国唱片市场的启示,能促进中国正版唱片市场的回暖。  【关键词】日本;唱片行业发展;中国,内地唱片,市场;启示 