Rate of Growth of Polynomials With Zeros on the Unit Disc

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  If we restrict ourselves to the class of polynomials having no zeros in |z| then inequality ( ) can be sharpened. In fact it was shown by Ankeny and Rivlin, - that if p(z) in |z| then ( ) can be replaced by
  By involving the coefficients of p(z) Dewan and Ahuja , - in the same paper obtained the following refinement of Theorem A.
  Theorem B.. If ( ) ∑is a polynomial of degree n having all its zeros on| | ? ? then for every positive integer s*?( ?)+?
  In this paper we restrict ourselves to the class of polynomials of degree n having all its zeros on |z| k k and obtain an improvement and generalization of Theorem A and Theorem B. More precisely we prove Theorem .. If ( ) ∑is a polynomial of degree n having all its zeros on| | ? ? then for every positive integer s and R
  For the proof of these theorems we need the following lemmas. Lemma .. If ( ) ∑?? ? ? is a polynomial of degree having all its zeros on| | ? ? then
  From which we get the desired result.
  The proof of inequality ( ) follows on the same lines as that of inequality (9) but instead of using inequality ( 5) of Lemma 3 we use inequality ( 6) of Lemma 3.
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