The Great Financial Crisis Catalyzes Great Transformations and Adjustments

来源 :Contemporary International Relations | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ywd56649
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Under the shadow of the financial crisis, the year 2009 presented numerous signs that the world is polarizing in terms of power balances, strategic readjustments by the world powers, and relations between these world powers. Meanwhile, despite intense competition, new advances may be perceived in the peaceful and incremental evolution of the international system, in terms of mechanisms, concepts and the realignment of forces. The transformation of the world order and the acceleration of a systematic evolution will inevitably result in power vacuums and disorder. Together with the growing negative effects of the financial crisis, this will further complicate the international security situation. As an emerging center for this great transformation, Asia serves as a symbol of turbulence, realignment and uncertainty in the areas of international strategy and security. Interaction between China and the rest of the world is taking place across all sectors, at all levels, and with growing intensity, all amid great risks. Under the shadow of the financial crisis, the year 2009 presented numerous signs that the world is polarizing in terms of power balances, strategic readjustments by the world powers, and relations between these world powers. Meanwhile, despite intense competition, new advances may be perceived in the peaceful and incremental evolution of the international system, in terms of mechanisms, concepts and the realignment of forces. The transformation of the world order and the acceleration of a systematic evolution will inevitably result in power vacuums and disorder. Together with the growing effects of the financial crisis, this will further complicate the international security situation. As an emerging center for this great transformation, Asia serves as a symbol of turbulence, realignment and uncertainty in the areas of international strategy and security. Interaction between China and the rest of the world is taking place across all sectors, at all levels, and with growing int ensity, all amid great risks.
海能量是一种新型高效杀菌剂,本文研究了其对水质理化因子的改善、对有害藻的去除、对养殖生物的毒性及对养殖水体中有害病菌的去除效果,评价了其在对虾养殖中的应用效果。主要研究结果如下:1.海能量的最佳使用浓度为250 mg/L,在此浓度下,水质指标好转,水体污染有所缓解。使用海能量5~10 min后,水中亚硝酸盐氮、铵氮和硝酸盐氮显著下降,最大降低率分别可达40.3%、36.7%和24.2%;pH略为增
牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)为冷温性底栖鱼类,是我国重要的经济鱼类。近年来,随着高密度集约化养殖规模的扩大,鱼类疾病的传染也日益严重,养殖场中鱼类大规模的死亡及其造