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介绍了拆柱机的基本组成部分,分析了旋转液压夹紧机构和固定液压夹头的结构组成,重点讨论了夹紧块材料选用中淬透性渗碳钢20CrNi3,经渗碳、淬火、低温回火,获得力学性能为,强度极限950 MPa,屈服极限750 MPa,伸长率11%,截面收缩率55%,冲击韧性90 J·cm-2,活块表面硬度HRC58~63;指出夹紧块表面耐磨性,心部抗冲击性能都比中碳钢表面淬火明显提高,具有较高的抗弯曲疲劳性能,定位套材料选用40Cr调质,碟簧导向部位表面镀铬,获得心部抗弯扭,抗冲击综合性能,表面耐磨性高,提高使用寿命。 The paper introduces the basic components of the dismantling machine, analyzes the structure of the rotating hydraulic clamping mechanism and the fixed hydraulic chuck, and mainly discusses the hardenability carburizing steel 20CrNi3 in the choice of clamping block material. After carburizing, quenching, low temperature After tempering, the mechanical properties are as follows: strength limit 950 MPa, yield point 750 MPa, elongation 11%, cross-sectional shrinkage 55%, impact toughness 90 J · cm-2 and surface hardness HRC58 ~ 63; Block surface wear resistance, heart impact resistance than medium carbon steel surface hardening was significantly improved, with high resistance to bending fatigue, positioning sleeve material selection 40Cr quenching and tempering, the surface of the disc spring guide chrome, get the heart bending Twist, impact resistance Comprehensive performance, high surface abrasion resistance, improve service life.
韩练成将军曾是蒋介石身边最高机密的智囊团成员。同时又与周恩来保持着单线联系,为我军提供了大量可靠的情报。毛泽东对他说:“蒋委员长身边有你们这些人,我这小小的指挥部,不仅能指挥解放军,也调动得了国民党的百万大军哪!”蒋经国说他是隐藏在老总统身边时间最长、最危险的共谍。因此,韩练成将军也被称为“隐形将军”。本文介绍他所缴获的一把日本军刀及曾经使用的一具“中正式”望远镜。    中国人民革命军事博物馆中