大蒜春季播种,产量、质量都不如秋播大蒜。要想春播大蒜产量、质量有所提高,必须选好品种,重抓管理。笔者通过几年的生产实践,初步掌握了春播大蒜的生长规律,关键要抓好以下四个环节。 1.选择适宜的品种 春播大蒜从种到收约100天时间,故要选择冬性弱、生长期短的紫皮蒜做种。有些生长期较长的品种,若中后期适应高温条件,也可用于春播。 2.重施基肥 在播前1个月结合整地667平方米施优质人畜粪肥或原肥3000公斤,饼肥100公斤,播前1周再施45%复合肥50公斤,耙平耧细,整墒待播。 3.适时早播 春播大蒜在播种适期内要尽可能早播,
Spring sowing garlic, yield, quality are not as good as autumn sowing garlic. To spring sowing garlic production, quality has improved, we must choose a good variety, pay close attention to management. The author through a few years of production practice, initially mastered the law of growth of spring sowing garlic, the key should grasp the following four aspects. 1. Select the appropriate varieties Spring sowing from planting to harvest for about 100 days, it is necessary to choose winter weak, short-growing purple garlic as a species. Some varieties of longer growing season, if the late adaptation to high temperature conditions, can also be used for spring sowing. 2. Re-application of base fertilizer 1 month before sowing combined with site preparation of 667 square meters of high quality human or animal manure or 3000 kg of raw fertilizer, cake 100 kg, sowing 45% 1 kg before sowing compound fertilizer 50 kg, To be broadcast. 3 timely sowing Spring sowing in the sowing period should be broadcast as soon as possible,