关于叉装机,轻度扫盲一下。它可以算作装载机的变种,是针对石材行业开采大吨位石料而开发的产品,虽然市场需求量不大,但国内各大装载机制造商都有生产,只是以7t装载机为依托研制30t级以上的叉装机国内尚属首例。关于bauma China 2012展会的亮点似乎太多,多到人们几乎忘记了在E50展场的晋工JGM771FT30型轮式叉装机。在晋工展台驻足过的朋友一定对这款产品印象深刻,因为它是国产第一台30级以上的轮式叉装机。关于叉装机,轻度扫盲一下。它可以算作装载机的变种,是针对石材行业开采大吨位石料而开发的产品,虽然市场需求量不大,但国内各大装载机制造商都有生产,只是以7t装载机为依托研制30t级以上的叉装机国内尚属首例。因大型石料的整体装运可很好地保证石材的完整性,所以JGM771FT30型叉装机自2012年9月上市后,在山东、新疆、云南、贵州、四川等地都有较好的销售业
On the forklift machine, literacy literacy. It can be counted as a variety of loaders, is developed for the stone industry, large tonnage of stone products, although the market demand is small, but the major domestic loader manufacturers have production, only to rely on 7t loader 30t The above forklift is the first domestic. There seems to be too many highlights of the bauma China 2012 show, almost as long as people forget the JGM771FT30 wheeled forklift at the E50. Friends who have stopped at the booth of Jin workers must be very impressed with this product because it is the first wheel-mounted forklift machine in China that is above 30th grade. On the forklift machine, literacy literacy. It can be counted as a variety of loaders, is developed for the stone industry, large tonnage of stone products, although the market demand is small, but the major domestic loader manufacturers have production, only to rely on 7t loader 30t The above forklift is the first domestic. Because of the overall shipment of large-scale stone can well ensure the integrity of the stone, so JGM771FT30 forklift installed since September 2012, in Shandong, Xinjiang, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and other places have better sales