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改革开放,一声霹雳,漫天春雨,乡镇企业异军突起,如雨后春笋。1978年全国乡镇企业从业人数为2826万人,总产值才493亿元。1993年乡镇企业从业人数超过1亿人,总产值突破3万亿元。15年间,中国乡镇企业从业人数翻了两番,而总产值却比当初增长60倍。15年来,乡镇企业在改革开放中纵横驰骋,蓬勃发展,担任着社会主义市场经济的开路先锋,托起了中国经济发展最成功、最绚丽的光环。 但是随着社会主义市场经济的进一步发展,如国家税收、金融、外贸、外资等方面一系列改革措施的先后出台,国有企业加快转换经营机制,各种民营、私营企业迅猛发展,这些都使乡镇企业竞争的范围、对象、领域发生了重大变化。同时,进入90年代后,乡镇企业又面临着一个由量的增长到质的飞跃,步入以提高为主、以外向为主、以高科技为主的发展新阶段。过去经营上“活”的优势在急剧消失。并且,在矛盾运动激化中越来越暴露出重重危机,如产权不明晰,管理简单,经营粗放,产品技术含量、附加值低,存在的小农意识对企业规模、管理方式及对企业发展的严重制约等等。“异军突起”的光环中泛起了层层阴景。透过光环,如何寻求新的突破?笔者认为应着眼于以下几个方面: 一、乡镇政府领导≠乡镇企业的厂长、经理,农村能人≠现代企业经营者和现代企业家? With the reform and opening up, there was a loud noise, and the rain was spreading all over the country. Township and township enterprises sprang up and sprang up. In 1978, there were 28.26 million people working in township and village enterprises across the country, with a total output value of only 49.3 billion yuan. In 1993, the number of township and village enterprises employed exceeded 100 million, and the total output value exceeded 3 trillion yuan. In the past 15 years, the number of employees in rural township enterprises in China has quadrupled, while the total output value has increased by 60 times. In the past 15 years, the township and village enterprises have gone through all levels of reform and opening up and flourished. They have served as the pioneers in the socialist market economy and have held up the most successful and beautiful aura in China’s economic development. However, with the further development of the socialist market economy, such as the successive introduction of a series of reform measures in the areas of national taxation, finance, foreign trade, and foreign investment, state-owned enterprises have accelerated the conversion of operating mechanisms, and various private and private enterprises have developed rapidly, all of which have made townships and towns There have been major changes in the scope, objects, and areas of corporate competition. At the same time, after entering the 1990s, township and village enterprises are facing a quantum leap from volume growth to quality improvement. They are entering a new stage of development that focuses mainly on improvement, out- orientation, and high-tech. In the past, the advantage of “living” in business has disappeared. Moreover, more and more crises have been exposed in the intensification of contradictions. For example, property rights are not clear, management is simple, operations are extensive, product technology content and added value are low, and existing small-scale farmers’ consciousness severely restricts the scale of enterprises, management methods, and the development of enterprises. and many more. There are various layers of shade in the halo of “landing”. Through the halo, how to seek new breakthroughs? The author believes that we should focus on the following aspects: First, the township government leaders ≠ township and township enterprises, managers, managers, rural people ≠ modern enterprise managers and modern entrepreneurs?
本文从司法改革的价值、经济和制度目标出发, 提出了鉴定法治建设的发展方向和发展要求。 Based on the value, economic and institutional goals of judicial reform, thi
文学名著,曾是我们精神的滋养品。在 过去的大学校园里,有谁没读过托尔 斯泰巴尔扎克呢?即便是为装装门面也是要啃上几本的。作为一个“名著欣赏”课的教师,我发现现在的学生对经
A crime scene is the combination of the existence of people, things, time, and space that are related to the criminal act and the relationship among them. It is