Most of the tin mines are comprehensive.According to the study of the Soviet Union’s tin deposits, about 62% of the tin deposits are comprehensive and the other 38% are single-tin deposits.In the comprehensive deposit, the average value of tin Is 78%, the value of associated components is almost equal to one-fourth of the value of the metal commodity in the raw ore.The most common associated components in tin ore are copper, tungsten, lead, zinc and silver, followed by bismuth, cadmium and indium , And again cobalt, tantalum and niobium.Different genetic types of ore deposits have different compositional compositions of minerals.Most cassiterite-quartz type deposits have relatively low value of associated components, whereas tin is of high value (91%). Among them, the value of tungsten varies from 1.7% to 27.7%, copper is 1.8% to 2%, and bismuth is 0.7% to 5.1% .With regard to such deposits, special attention should be paid to the recovery of tungsten because even if the tungsten content is not high, Lee. According to Cassiterite -