千里之行 始于足下——浅析《粉墨春秋》的成功之道

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2012年6月14日,为期一年的“中澳文化年”闭幕式在悉尼歌剧院举行,文化部副部长赵少华、澳大利亚联邦艺术部长克林等两国政府官员出席并在闭幕式上致辞,两国政府高度盛赞为期一年的文化盛宴。随后由中国文化部精选的大戏《粉墨春秋》在悉尼歌剧院歌剧厅上演。《粉墨春秋》由山西艺术职业学院华晋舞剧团出品,讲述了一个发生在清末民初“喜顺班”戏班的故事。三兄弟从师学艺,情同手足 On June 14, 2012, the one-year “Closing Ceremony of China-Australia Culture Year” was held at Sydney Opera House. At the Closing Ceremony, two government officials including Vice Minister of Culture Zhao Shaohua and Australian Federal Minister of Art Klin attended the ceremony Speech, the two governments highly praised the one-year cultural feast. Subsequent drama “Pink Spring” featured by the Chinese Ministry of Culture staged at the Sydney Opera House Opera Hall. The Spring of Pink Ink was produced by the Hua Jin Dance Troupe of Shanxi Vocational and Technical College and tells the story of a drama class “Xi Shun Ban” that took place in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. Three brothers studied art, love and brotherhood
愿你仍有长路,我还有暖裘,各怀新事,犹记当初。  —题记  我曾错过了你生命中的前二十六年,不过至少我还可以短暂地陪你一辈子。  很久以后,再回忆起那个夜晚,我好像再也看不到记忆中星光满满的星空了,唯一记得很年轻的你牵着很小的我,走在空无一人的大马路上。秋夜的晚风半凉,你帮我系上每一粒扣子,还把长长的羊绒围巾摘下围在了我的脖颈。我把鼻子埋进围巾,像金毛犬一样嗅了嗅,没有烟草酒精的味道,淡淡的手工皂