
来源 :哈医学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dwddKTV
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一、緒言自1944年鏈霉素及其他抗結核药物的出現,对尿路結核,特別是膀胱結核有莫大貢献。但由于膀胱結核的末期侵襲到肌層形成瘢痕性攣縮,膀胱容量極度縮小的問題,迄今尚无理想处理方策。許多患者由于膀胱極度縮小逐渐形成腎盂積水,病狀遂渐加重而 I. INTRODUCTION Since the advent of streptomycin and other anti-TB drugs in 1944, it has made a great contribution to urinary tract tuberculosis, especially bladder tuberculosis. However, due to the end of the invasion of bladder tuberculosis to the formation of cicatricial contracture, the capacity of the bladder is extremely reduced, so far there is no ideal treatment strategy. In many patients, the hydronephrosis gradually develops due to the extremely narrowing of the bladder, and the symptoms gradually increase