
来源 :首都医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjjjedu
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上了年纪的人经常爱回忆,在回忆中获得一种愉悦与满足。具有几千年历史积淀的中华医药文化就如同一位饱经沧桑的睿者长者,为活在当下的我们源源不断的提供智慧与养料,让我们在追忆中或警醒或自知,知晓历史的曲折与艰辛,感受前人的欢笑与泪水,以便风雨之后气定神闲地继续赶路。这也正是我们开辟“医药史话”这一栏目的初衷:讲述医药行业自己的故事,钩沉医药卫生领域鲜为人知的历史,用亲切温暖的语言娓娓道来。写人、记事均可,亲历者的口述或回忆性文字尤佳。真诚欢迎广大读者踊跃投稿。 Older people often love memories and get a pleasure and satisfaction in their memories. The Chinese medical culture, which has accumulated thousands of years of history, is like a long-lived elder elder who provides witness and nourishment to our endless stream of life, reminding us that we are aware of historical twists and turns And hardships, feel the laughter and tears of the predecessors, in order to calm down after the wind and rain continue to hurry. This is also the original intention of us to open up the section entitled “Medical History.” This is a story about the pharmaceutical industry’s own story, a little-known history in the field of medical and health care, with friendly and warm words. Writing, notes can be, witness oral or recollection of the text is preferred. Sincerely welcome the majority of readers enthusiastic submission.