The Current Income Distribution in China

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The current pattern of income distribution in China is the result of long- term evolu-tion. If China' s economic growth is a successful case in the history of human economic develop-ment,it can be said that China' s income distribution is an unsuccessful case. Successful economicgrowth and unsuccessful income distribution are the characteristics o~ China' s economic transforma-tion and development. This is perhaps due to a vision of "first growth, later distribution" of the Chi-nese government at all levels, and development strategy of" sacrificing fairness for efficiency", and the"selective reform" mode of economic transformation. Objectively speaking, as for China income dis-tribution pattern at present time, there are several reasons, such as choice of development strategy,mode of economic transformation, resistance of interest groups. The reform of income distributionsystem should be pushed forward sooner rather than later, should be fast rather than slow.
<正> 我院1979年~1989年5月收治原发性纵隔肿瘤20例,特报告如下。临床资料1.一般情况:本组20例,其中男11
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