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北朝时期(公元420~581年),关中为多事之地,西魏和北周先后建都长安。由于历史文化传统的强大影响力,汉族与鲜卑统治者及羌、氐等少数民族关系十分复杂,进而又牵涉到佛教与道教的对抗和融合,现今关中各地遗存的造像碑,都是最为直接的证据。其中所反映的民族关系、宗教关系、艺术源流关系诸问题,都是十分引人入胜的课题。笔者曾著数文进行 During the Northern Dynasties (AD 420-581), Guanzhong was a place for doing business, and the Western Wei Dynasty and the Northern Zhou Dynasty successively built Chang’an. Due to the strong influence of historical and cultural traditions, the relations between the Han and Xianbei rulers and ethnic minorities such as Qiang and Qiao are very complicated, which in turn involves the confrontation and integration of Buddhism and Taoism. evidence. The relations among ethnic groups, religious relations and the origins and origins of art reflected in the book are all very attractive topics. I have written a few words
《马王堆汉墓帛书[肆]》收录有一篇古医学文献《天下至道谈》,各家的考订、校释,长于医理,而疏于训诂,有待商榷、补正之处尚多。 Ma Wangdui Han tomb silk book [Stanford]