云南围棋,民间简称“云子”,因原产云南永昌府,也称“永子”。据史书记载,云南生产围棋的历史可追溯到五个世纪以前,历史上“云子”为名士、高僧们所喜爱,是进献皇室的贡品。盛唐时期,这项技艺就已传播到日本和东南亚国家。到了清朝雍正乾隆年间,“云子”作为上乘贡品而誉满天下。但是,由于世事沧桑,棋势衰败,到解放前夕,“云子”这一民间传统产品已逐渐失传。 解放后,敬爱的周恩来总理和陈毅副总理对发展中国的围棋事业十分重视。陈老总几次语重心长地提出:“云子在历史上很有名气,要努力发掘出来,不要失传了。”在云南有关部门的支持下,昆明第十二中学的校办工厂接受了云南省体委交给的恢复研制“云子”的任务
Yunnan Go, folk referred to as “cloud child”, due to the origin of Yunnan Yongchang House, also known as “Yongzi.” According to historical records, the history of producing go chess in Yunnan can be traced back to five centuries ago. In history, “cloud son” was a celebrity and was favored by monks. It was a tribute to the imperial family. During the Tang Dynasty, this skill spread to Japan and Southeast Asian countries. To the Qing Emperor Yongzheng during the Qing Dynasty, “cloud child” as a tribute and reputation for the world. However, due to the vicissitudes of life and the declining trend of the government, to the eve of the liberation, the “cloud-child” traditional folk product has gradually lost its pass. After the liberation, beloved Premier Zhou Enlai and Vice Premier Chen Yi attached great importance to the development of Go in China. Chen made several remarks earnestly: “Yunzi very famous in history, to work hard to discover it, do not pass away.” With the support of the relevant departments in Yunnan, Kunming No.12 secondary school school-run factory accepted the Yunnan Provincial Sports Commission To the recovery of the development of “cloud child” task