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马克思与麦金太尔的道德哲学都体现出明显的社会维度,他们都坚持道德的社会性,并对现代性社会展开道德批判。尽管“社会”成为马克思与麦金太尔把握道德理论时共享的维度,但“社会”在他们那里的地位、内涵、作用等并不相同。在马克思那里,“社会”不仅仅是一种背景性的社会实体,更重要的是唯物史观的体现,体现马克思思考道德问题的方法论。与马克思不同,麦金太尔语境中的“社会”只是作为道德背景性存在,而不具备马克思社会观的多重维度和丰富内涵,他的现代性道德批判隐含了传统与现代的二元对立思维以及回归传统的道德乡愁情结。通过对两者的比较分析,可见马克思道德哲学的社会维度背后的终极动力是人的生存问题,最终的价值指向是人的自由全面发展。马克思从具体、现实的人出发理解社会,同时在社会关系中把握道德的真谛,社会成为人实现自由全面发展、彰显个体本质的形式,马克思道德哲学也由此体现出强烈的生存论特质。 Both Marx’s and MacIntyre’s moral philosophy embody obvious social dimensions. All of them insist on moral sociality and moral criticism on modernity society. Although “society ” becomes the dimension shared by Marx and MacIntyre in grasping the moral theory, the status, connotation, and role of “society ” in them are not the same. In Marx, “society ” is not only a kind of background social entity, but more importantly is the embodiment of historical materialism, which embodies Marx’s methodology of thinking about moral issues. Unlike Marx, “society ” in the context of MacIntyre only exists as an ethical background and does not possess the multiple dimensions and rich connotations of Marx’s social outlook. His criticism of modern morality implies that the " Metaphysical thinking and return to the traditional moral nostalgia complex. Through a comparative analysis of the two, we can see that the ultimate motivation behind the social dimension of Marx’s moral philosophy is the question of human existence. The ultimate value orientation is the free and all-round development of man. From the perspective of concrete and realistic people, Marx understands society and at the same time grasps the true meaning of morality in social relations. As a form of Marxist moral philosophy, Marx thus embodies a strong existential character by realizing the free and all-round development of man as an individual.