This paper analyzes and calculates the bit error rate (BER) characteristics of differential modulation and post-diversity diversity in fast fading channels with co-channel interference and delay spread multipath interference. By using the method of Bayesian number, the probability density function is derived from the characteristic culverts output by the merger, and then a uniform type of error rate formula is obtained. The results show that diversity combining technique is not only an effective anti-fading measure, but also is very effective against both co-channel interference and random FM noise interference. Especially when L-re-diversity is used, the residual error rate caused by random FM noise is reduced to the L-power of the unoccupied single branch. However, the combined reception is not enough to overcome the effect of delay spread multipath interference. Especially in the case of large delay and strong interference, it is necessary to effectively overcome the intersymbol interference caused by delayed multipath and should also use technologies such as error correction coding and adaptive equalization.