阿魏在医药上可用于治疗消积,杀虫,散痞,淤血作痛,脾胃温寒作痛,龋齿疼痛等疾病,现在又被广泛用于配制多种不同的诱聚捕鱼、鳖配方。例:用阿魏拌面粉作钓饵效果好。用阿魏、八角,湿奇香草等药料各1~3g,研碎混合配制后用于钓鱼、鳖,百发百中,无不上钩。 阿魏为伞形科,属多年早生高大草本植物,根茎粗大,形似萝卜,全株有强烈葱蒜异样臭味。对土壤气候要求不严,性喜干旱,适宜沙质土壤地种植,其它土壤亦可,亩产100~250kg,以种子繁
As a medicine, it can be used to treat digestion, insecticide, scattered ruffian, stasis pain, spleen and stomach pain, dental caries pain and other diseases, and is now widely used in the preparation of a variety of different induced trap fishing, turtle formula. Example: Mixing flour with fermented for good effect. With ferulic, star anise, wet herbs and other medicinal materials 1 ~ 3g, after grinding and mixing for the preparation of fishing, turtle, one hundred perfection, all hook. As a member of the Umbelliferae family, is a multi-year-old tall herbaceous plants, rhizome, shaped radish, the whole plant has a strong onion and garlic strange odor. Strict requirements on the soil climate, nature like drought, suitable for planting sandy soil, other soil can also be, per mu 100 ~ 250kg, with seed