吉林省东部边界与俄罗斯、朝鲜接壤,素有“一眼望三国”之称,漫长的边境线、复杂的地理环境、水流平缓的图们江以及冬季长达5个多月的冰冻期为边境绕越走私提供了便利,长春海关的打私工作尤为艰难。 截止2001年5月,短短一年半时间,海关与缉私警察联手打私共查获各类边境走私案件361起,案值13982万元,打掉走私犯罪团伙15个,抓获走私犯罪嫌疑人218人,
The eastern border of Jilin Province, bordering Russia and North Korea, is known as the “one eye and the third kingdom.” The long borderline, complicated geographical environment, the Tumen River with smooth water flow, and the frozen period of more than five months in winter are border fringes The smoother provides the convenience, changchun customs fight privately-owned work is particularly difficult. As of May 2001, just a year and a half, the Customs and anti-smuggling police jointly attacked and smuggled a total of 361 smuggling cases of various kinds at a total value of 139.82 million yuan, knocking down 15 smuggling criminal gangs and seizing 218 smuggling criminal suspects ,