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  考查宾语从句的常见考点有:1. 引导词的选用; 2. 宾语从句中用陈述语序,即主语在前,谓语在后; 3. 主句谓语动词与从句谓语动词之间的时态呼应; 4. “连词/连接代(副)词 + 动词不定式”充当的宾语。
  1. (2007年长春市) Could you tell me____ ?
  A. where can I park the car B. what are you looking
  B. how do you spend an e-maill D. who saved my daughter
  2. (2007年天津市) —Can you guess____ the MP4 player yesterday?
  —Sorry,I’ve no idea about it.
  A. how much did he pay for B. how can he get
  C. how much he paid for D. how he has got
  3. (2007年哈尔滨市) —The summer holiday is coming. Have you decided____ ?
  —I’m planning to go to Hawaii,the most wonderful place for water sports.
  A. when you’re going to enjoy it
  B. how often are you going to enjoy it
  C. where you’re going to enjoy it
  4. (2007年芜湖市) —I hear that Yi Zhongtian will come to Wuhu to give a talk.
  —Really?Do you know____ ?
  A. what will he talk about B. where will he give a talk
  C. how will he come D. when he will arrive
  5. (2007年长沙市) —What did your teacher say just now?
  —He asked me____ this morning.
  A. how did Tom come to school B. when Tom got to school
  C. why was Tom late for school
  6. (2007年衢州市) —I want to know____ .
  —Why not go to the park?
  A. where I can go for a picnic B. where can I go for a picnic
  C. what I can go for a picnic D. what can I go for a picnic
  7. (2007年山西省) —Did you know____ at the bus stop?
  —Maybe their teacher.
  A. who are they waiting for B. whom they are waiting for
  C. whom they were waiting for
  8. (2007年厦门市) —Alice,Rita called you just now when you were out.
  —Did she say when____ me again,Dad?
  A. she will call B. would she call
  C. she would call
  9. (2007年河北省) I didn’t understand____ ,so I raised my hand to ask.
  A. what my teacher says B. what does my teacher say
  C. what my teacher said D. what did my teacher say
  10. (2007年镇江市) —Could you tell me____ ?
  —By underground.
  A. how did you come here B. how you came here
  C. when did you cone here D. when you come here
  11. (2007年陕西省) —Could you tell me____ for the meeting yesterday?
  —Because the traffic was dad.
  A. why did you come late B. why you came late
  C. why do you come late D. why you come late
  12. (2007年南通市) —Can you tell me____ ?
  —Two weeks ago.
  A. when you bought the toys B. who did you buy the toys for
  C. how much the toys cost D. how many toys did you buy
  13. (2007年黄冈市) —Excuse me,could you tell me____ ?
  —There’s a bank on the second floor. You can make it there.
  A. where I can change money B. how I can get to the bang
  C. if there’s a bank near here D. where the bank is
  14. (2007年临沂市) —Excuse me. Could you tell me____ later on?
  —Wait a minute. It’s coming in ten minutes.
  A. if the next train arrives B. if the next train will arrive
  C. when the next train arrive D. when will the next train arrive
  15. (2007年河南省) —My dad bought me a new MP4,but I don’t know____.
  —Let’s read the instructions.
  A. what to use B. which one to use
  C. how to use it D. when to use it
  16. (2007年河南省) —Could you please tell me____ ?
  —Bus No. 32 will take you right there.
  A. where is Henan Museum
  B. what Henan Museum is Like
  C. how can I get to Henan Museum
  D. which bus I shall take to Henan Museum
  17. (2007年北京市) —Do you know____ the MP3 player last week?
  —Sorry,I have no idea.
  A. how much did she pay for B. how much will she pay for
  C. how much she paid for D. how much she will pay for
  18. (2007年潍坊市) Our physics teacher told us light____ faster than sound last term.
  A. travels B. travel C. traveled D. traveling
  19. (2007年台州市) —Could you tell me____ ,dear?
  —She called to borrow my VCDs.
  A. why Mary called you B. why did Mary call you
  C. when Mary called you D. when did Mary call you
  20. (2007年成都市) The policeman asked the child____ so that he could take him home.
  A. where did he live B. where he lived
  C. how he lived
  21. (2007年福州市) —Did Mr White tell you____ ?
  —Yes. He said he went there in 2003.
  A. when he traveled to Tibet B. how he goes to Wuhan
  C. where he spent his holidays D. why did he visit Kunming
  22. (2007年苏州市) —Millie,could you give me some advice?I don’t know____ .
  —Why don’t you wear this red shirt?
  A. when to wear B. what to wear
  C. how to wear D. where to wear
  23. (2007年福州市) There are so many kinds of pens here. I can’t decide____ .
  A. when to choose B. to choose which
  C. which one to choose
  24. (2007年兰州市) —Would you please tell me____ ?
  —OK,her name is Cici.
  A. what was her mane B. what her name was
  C. what is her name D. what her name is
  25. (2007年重庆市) There is a red car parking in our neighbourhood. Do you know____ it is?
  A. what B. who C. whose D. whom
  26. (2006年云南省) Can you tell me____ at that time?
  A. what they were doing B. what they are doing
  C. what are they doing D. what were they doing
  27. (2006年云南省) —Could you tell me____ ?
  —Pardon?You mean the police station?
  A. where is the police station
  B. where the police are
  C. how can I get to the police station
  D. where is the policeman
  28. (2006年昆明市) —What did he say just now?
  —He asked me____ in Kunming.
  A. when did the PPRD(泛珠会) open
  B. when the PPRD open
  C. when the PPRD opened
  D. when does the PPRD open
  Key:1- 5 DCCDB__6-10 ACCCB 11-15 BAABC
  16-20 DCAAB 21-25 ABCDC 26-28 ABC
我从事普通高中学校心理健康教育工作已经有10年,年年负责高三学生高考心理辅导工作。最近几年通过走访青岛、烟台、威海、潍坊、大连的三十多所高中,与几十位一线教师进行了交流,对本项工作的大致情况和实际操作有了更为清晰的了解。我发现普通高中学校在高考心理辅导的实践层面存在几个误区,下面仅就此浅谈自己的几点想法。  误区一:高考心理辅导存在功利化倾向  在目前的高中学校,高考心理辅导存在明显的功利化倾向,