随着中国加入WTO ,社会需要越来越多的高素质、复合型人才 ,而这些人才都需要掌握外语这一基本工具 ,因此外语素质在素质教育中起着重要作用。当前中国大学外语素质教育中存在着许多问题 ,如外语教学仍以应试教育为主、教师素质低、教学方法陈旧等。
With China’s accession to the WTO, society needs more and more high-quality and complex talents, and these talents all need to master the foreign language as a basic tool. Therefore, the quality of foreign languages plays an important role in quality education. At present, there are many problems in foreign language quality education in Chinese universities, such as examination-oriented education in foreign languages, low quality of teachers and obsolete teaching methods.