七、咯血(支气管扩张)林某,男,40岁,1964年3月20日初诊。两年前曾因跌伤而致右锁骨骨折,胸痛,咯血一杯许。近年经常咳嗽咯血,就诊前又咯血150~200毫升。诊见面色萎黄,肌肤消瘦,咳嗽频作,咯痰微黄而稠厚,咯血色鲜红但无血块,胸闷刺痛不敢俯仰,两手掩胸,弯腰驼背,不思进食,二便正常,舌紫黯少苔,脉沉弦。X 线检查:两肺纹理增多,呈不规则的杆状阴影,肺门阴影密度较浓,心、膈未见异常。证属淤血内阻,壅塞于肺
Seven, hemoptysis (bronchiectasis) Lin, male, 40 years old, March 20, 1964 new diagnosis. Two years ago, a fracture of the right clavicle was caused by a fall, chest pain, and a cup of hemoptysis. In recent years often cough hemoptysis, hemoptysis before treatment 150 to 200 ml. He was diagnosed with pale chlorosis, thin skin, frequent coughing, thick yellowish sputum, thick red blood, but no blood clots, chest pain, stinging, chest pain, tingling, chest-shokling, hunching, and not eating, and he was normal. Tongue purple little moss, pulse sinking string. X-ray examination showed an increase in the texture of the two lungs, an irregular rod-shaped shadow, a dense hilar shadow density, and no abnormalities in heart and palate. The syndrome is internal congestion and congestion in the lungs