八十年代初,当苏珊·巴斯内特 (Susan Bassnett)的专著《翻译学》 (Translation Studies) 问世时,许多人不承认翻译学是一门学科,仅仅把翻译研究列为比较文学的一个分支。笔者八十年代在英国进修时,各大学图书馆中专门论述翻译的著作寥寥无几,不是归在比较文学类,就是归在语言学范畴。但是近十年来,这门学科发展较快,有关专著相继问世,专门研究翻译的学术性杂志也广为发行,有些学者甚至建议应把比较文学列为翻译学的组成部分。
When the book “Translation Studies” by Susan Bassnett came out in the early 1980s, many people did not recognize translation studies as a subject and simply classified translation studies as comparative literature A branch. When I was studying in the United Kingdom in the 1980s, there were only a few books devoted to translation in various university libraries. They are not classified in comparative literature but in linguistics. However, in recent ten years, the discipline has developed rapidly. Relevant monographs have been published one after another. Academic journals specializing in translation have also been widely distributed. Some scholars even suggested that comparative literature should be included as an integral part of translation studies.