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1997年11月4日,某市公安消防支队对辖区内的国有红旗印刷厂进行消防安全检查时,发现该印刷厂未事先报经消防部门审批、擅自将一占地面积1500m~2的生产车间改建为堆放印刷品的仓库,原来用作生产车间照明的碘钨灯等高温照明灯具均未更换,且电器开关底座直接安置在易燃的木板上,配电线路未穿金属管或用非燃硬塑料管保护,灯具垂直下方与印刷品堆垛的水平间距仅为0.3m,未按规范要求安装火灾自动报警设备等。以上行为严重违反了《建筑设计防火规范》和《仓库防火安全管理规则》的规定,构成重大火灾隐患,市消防支队遂下发了《重大火灾隐患整改通知书》,提出整改要求和期限,责令印刷厂整改所存在的火灾隐患,但该印刷厂厂长陈某以企业效益差、资金短缺为由拒绝整改。1998年2月14日,工人下班后未将仓库照明电源截断,致使碘钨灯长时间通电而高热,烤燃堆垛上的纸张起火成灾,烧毁库房、部分厂房和生产设备及大量的印刷成品,直接经济损失达500多万元。火灾发生后,市人民检察院认为陈某身为红旗印刷厂的法人代表,对该厂存在的火灾隐患和公安消防机构的整改要求置若罔闻,以致发生火灾,使国家财产遭受严重损失,其行为已触犯了刑律,因此依法逮捕了陈某,并向人民法院提起公诉;法院经审理认定陈某犯有消防责任事故罪、且 November 4, 1997, a city police fire brigade on the area of ​​state-owned Hongqi printing plant for fire safety inspection and found that the printing plant without prior approval by the fire department, without authorization will be an area of ​​1500m ~ 2 production workshop Converted into a warehouse for stacking printed matter, the original high-temperature lighting such as iodine tungsten lamps used for lighting workshop was not changed, and the electrical switch base was placed directly on the combustible wood board, the power distribution line was not worn with metal pipe or with non-burning Plastic tube protection, lamps and lanterns vertically below the stack of printed matter horizontal spacing of only 0.3m, not according to the requirements of the installation of automatic fire alarm equipment. The above acts seriously violated the provisions of Code of Fire Prevention for Building Design and Rules for the Management of Fire Safety of Depots and constituted a major fire hazard. The Municipal Fire Brigade issued a Notice of Rectification of Major Fire Hidden Problems and proposed rectification requirements and deadlines and ordered them to order Printing rectification of the existence of fire hazards, but the printing plant director Chen to enterprise efficiency is poor, lack of funds due to refuse rectification. February 14, 1998, the workers did not switch off the warehouse lighting after get off work, resulting in a long time energized and high heat iodine tungsten, burning fire burning paper stack on the stack, burned the warehouse, some plants and production equipment and a large number of printing Finished products, direct economic losses of more than 500 million. After the fire broke out, the Municipal People’s Procuratorate considered Chen as the legal representative of Hongqi Printing Co., Ltd., turned a deaf ear to the fire hazards existing in the factory and the rectification requirements of the public security and fire fighting agencies, resulting in a fire that caused serious damage to state property and violated the act The criminal law, so according to the law arrested Chen, and filed a lawsuit to the people’s court; court found Chan trial guilty of fire accident responsibility, and
开心猴和闹闹一起开开心心地向古城南京走去,喜欢聊天儿的开心猴给闹闹讲起了故事。  从前,在孝心王国,有个青年叫李三。一次上县城卖完菜已过晌午,李三看见一个摊位前人满为患,认为一定是有好东西在卖。于是他狠狠心一边往里挤一边高声喊道:“我买三个!我买三个!”李三挤到摊位前一看是卖肉馅烧饼的,后悔不已。无奈话已出口,李三只得牙一咬,买了三个,让摊主用荷叶包好,往怀里一揣,便急着往家赶。一路上那三个烧饼的
截止到4月25日,临储收购总量为12340万吨,周内收购数量达442万吨,新增收购数量令临储在收尾之际的影响有所加大。2015年我国玉米总产量2.245亿吨,仅东北三省一区就收购了1.234亿吨。  需要提醒的是,目前临储玉米收购价格是当前市场最高价,临储收购结束之后东北玉米回调风险较大,建议手中尚有余粮的农民,在2016年4月30日前,及时卖粮,避免因后期市场价格变化和保管不当造成粮食损耗。  
AAlzheimer病Alzheinler病sIL-2R释放与T细胞活化测定(5):270BBAEPBAEP对疑有中枢损害病例同时行耳蜗电图检测的临床意义(4):253C川崎病以神经系统为首发症状的川崎病(附4例报告)(1):41痴呆多发梗塞性痴呆(MI? AAlzheimer’s disease Alzhein