Effects of Machine Tool Configuration on Its Dynamics Based on Orthogonal Experiment Method

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dannananjing31306111
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In order to analyze the influence of configuration parameters on dynamic characteristics of machine tools in the working space, the configuration parameters have been suggested based on the orthogonal experiment method. Dynamic analysis of a milling machine, which is newly designed for producing turbine blades, has been conducted by utilizing the modal synthesis method. The finite element model is verified and updated by experimental modal analysis (EMA) of the machine tool. The result gained by modal synthesis method is compared with whole-model finite element method (FEM) result as well. According to the orthogonal experiment method, four configuration parameters of machine tool are considered as four factors for dynamic characteristics. The influence of configuration parameters on the first three natural frequencies is obtained by range analysis. It is pointed out that configuration parameter is the most important factor affecting the fundamental frequency of machine tools, and configuration parameter has less effect on lower-order modes of the system than others. The combination of configuration parameters which makes the fundamental frequency reach the maximum value is provided. Through demonstration, the conclusion can be drawn that the influence of configuration parameters on the natural frequencies of machine tools can be analyzed explicitly by the orthogonal experiment method, which offers a new method for estimating the dynamic characteristics of machine tools. In order to analyze the influence of configuration parameters on dynamic characteristics of machine tools in the working space, the configuration parameters have been suggested based on the orthogonal experiment method. Dynamic analysis of a milling machine, which is newly designed for producing turbine blades, has The finite element model is verified and updated by experimental modal analysis (EMA) of the machine tool. The result gained by modal synthesis method is compared with whole-model finite element method (FEM) result as well. According to the orthogonal experiment method, four configuration parameters of machine tool are considered as four factors for dynamic characteristics. The influence of configuration parameters on the first three natural frequencies is obtained by range analysis. It is pointed out that configuration parameter is the most important factor affecting the fundamental frequency of machine tools, and conf Configuration parameter has less effect on lower-order modes of the system than others. The combination of configuration parameters which makes the fundamental frequency reach the maximum value is provided. Through demonstration, the conclusion can be drawn that the influence of configuration parameters on the natural frequencies of machine tools can be analyzed explicitly by the orthogonal experiment method, which offers a new method for estimating the dynamic characteristics of machine tools.
(1)没有“只要三餐能温饱,要那么多钱干嘛”的思想,因为一辈子捧着“铁饭碗”,永远没有发财的机会。“够用就好,无须赚那么多钱”这句话是那些不会乃至不能赚大钱的人用以自我安慰的名言。  (2)一旦有赚钱的念头就马上一步一个脚印去做,要付诸行动,敢于碰,善于磨,只要这样才能抓住机会。  (3)正像“貌不惊人”的男士一心一意追求漂亮的女子往往成为成功者一样,贫困的人因为感受到了贫穷的切肤之痛而愈有赚钱的