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喀什地区地处欧亚大陆中部,距离海洋较远,境内地形地貌复杂,属气象灾害多发频发区。其中,干旱、冰雹、霜冻、大风等灾害性天气对农业生产影响较大,应从建立健全农业气象灾害防御机制,科学合理安排农业生产布局,保护生态环境,加强水利建设,推行农业保险机制等方面不断提高农业抵御灾害能力。 Kashgar region is located in the central Eurasia, far from the ocean, the terrain complex territory, a meteorological disasters occur frequently. Among them, severe weather such as drought, hail, frost and gale have a great impact on agricultural production. From the aspects of establishing and perfecting agricultural meteorological disaster prevention mechanism, arranging agricultural production layout scientifically and reasonably, protecting ecological environment, strengthening water conservancy construction and implementing agricultural insurance mechanism Constantly improve the ability of agriculture to withstand disasters.
我想成为一名导演。  很想很想。  原因么,大概和自己喜欢看小说有关。我钟情的小说绝不以嘻嘻哈哈的口吻叙事,也不以花前月下的浪漫为主调,它们总是让风花雪月成为朝代更替,世道变幻的添头,以血性写柔情。读完后仿佛受丘比特一箭,甜蜜与疼痛交织,在心头烙下痕迹。我并不满足一个人沉醉其中,我想把心里沸腾的情绪一勺勺舀出来和大家一起分享,想标新立异,抛弃如今备受关注的儿女情长,说说那些爱情之外的东西。  所以