The greatest contribution of the United States Model Code Penal Code lies in the division of all objective elements into acts, outcomes and accompanying episodes; the reduction of all the elements of responsibility from more than 80 to four, namely intentional, knowing, reckless and negligent; The factor analysis method establishes the relationship between these objective elements and the responsible elements. Not only has it provided citizens with a code of conduct for their completeness, clarity and conciseness, but also limits the judicial discretion of the judiciary; it not only limits the arbitrariness and prejudice of the judiciary at the time of conviction but also imposes a just penalty on the part of the judiciary Provide the foundation. These advances in factor analysis do not mask the problems that it may have in its application. The method of factor analysis aggravates the result in the theory of criminal law in our country, and it is of great significance to draw lessons from the plot of heavy punishment and the reconstruction of criminal structure.