随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们对吃是越来越挑剔和讲究了。在“三高”(即高蛋白、高糖、高脂肪)饮食给人们健康带来退行性疾病如高血压、冠心病、糖尿病等伤害之后,人们不得不反思饮食方式存在的弊端。在努力克服其弊端的基础上,逐渐建立起较为科学合理的膳食结构和饮食方式。 近年来,在国内外兴起的生食蔬菜的时尚吃法,就是人们在扬弃“三高”饮食方式的弊端的基础上形成的一种较为科学的饮食方式。从营养学的角度和医学临床观察的结果看,无论是为营养,为了治疗,还是为了美味,生食蔬菜都
With the economic development and improvement of people’s living standards, people are more and more selective and pay attention to eating. After the “three high” (high protein, high sugar, high fat) diets bring degenerative diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease and diabetes to people’s health, people have to reflect on the drawbacks of the diet. In an effort to overcome its shortcomings, based on the gradual establishment of a more scientific and reasonable diet and diet. In recent years, the fashionable eating method of raw vegetables rising at home and abroad is one of the more scientific ways of eating which is formed on the basis of abandoning the drawbacks of the “three-high” diet. From the nutritional point of view and the results of medical clinical observation, whether it is for nutrition, for treatment, or for delicious, raw vegetables are