绿色发展 绿色生活

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绿色发展是我国“十三五”发展规划中提出的五大发展理念之一,它以效率、和谐、持续为内涵和目标。往大里说,绿色发展涉及国家经济发展模式的转变,往小里说,它又和我们每个人的生活息息相关。能否妥善处理经济发展、社会进步与生态环境、能源资源的关系,不仅关系到中国经济社会发展的全局,也大大关系到老 Green development is one of the five major development concepts proposed in the “13th Five-year Plan” of our country. It takes efficiency, harmony and continuity as its connotation and goal. To Dali, the green development involves the transformation of the national economic development model. To small ones, it is closely related to the lives of each of us. The proper handling of the relations between economic development, social progress, ecological environment and energy resources not only concerns the overall situation of China’s economic and social development, but also greatly affects the old
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化解结构性矛盾,形成新的增长动力,驶入持续发展的新航道,就必须加大供给侧结构性改革的力度。就我国当前而言,供给侧结构与社会需求的不匹配、不平衡,是结构性矛盾的主要方面,供给侧结构性改革是解决供需矛盾和结构性失衡的重要抓手和切入点。  “十三五”规划把供给侧结构性改革作为未来经济社会发展的主线。今年的《政府工作报告》也突出强调,要着力加强供给侧结构性改革,进一步激发市场活力和社会创造力。这是引领经济