W715是索尼爱立信配合中国联通WCDMA网络制式的首款定制机型,也是第一批在中国大陆上市的3G产品。不过由于评测时间的关系,我们收到的非定制版不带有联通WO业务的专用键和界面,但这并不影响我们对W715音乐以及3G功能的体验。作为W系列音乐手机,W715全新加入了Clear Bass音效系统,使其充分发挥出音乐的潜力。
W715 is Sony Ericsson WCDMA network with China Unicom’s first custom models, but also the first batch of 3G products listed in mainland China. However, due to the evaluation of the time, we received a non-customized version of Unicom WO business does not have the dedicated keys and interfaces, but this does not affect our W715 music and 3G experience. As a W series music phone, W715 new Clear Bass sound system, to give full play to the potential of music.