
来源 :城市规划通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lengxiang520
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按照中央的部署和要求,近日,住房城乡建没部召开“三严三实”专题教育启动大会。部党组书记、部长陈政高以《以“三严三实”修身为政,做人民的好公仆》为题讲党课。部党组成员、副部长易军主持。部党组成员、中央纪委驻部纪检组组长石生龙,部党组成员、副部长王宁、陆克华出席。陈政高指出,“三严三实”意义重大,内涵深刻,必须学懂弄通;“三严三实”要求严明,必须准确把握,内化于心,外化于行;“三严三实”责任如山,必须抓好落实,确保取得成效。陈政高强调,“三严三实”是党的作风的凝练传 In accordance with the deployment and requirements of the Central Government, recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction has held a special education start-up meeting called “Three Strictness and Three Realities”. Chen Zhenggao, party secretary and minister of the ministry, gave a lecture on the party with the theme of “Three Strictness and Truthfulness”, “Slimness and Virtue, Be a Good Servant for the People”. Ministry party members, deputy minister presided over Yi Jun. Ministry of Party members, the Commission for Discipline Inspection Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Shi Shilong, ministry party members, deputy minister Wang Ning, attended by Lu Kehua. Chen Zhenggao pointed out: “Three Strictness and Truthfulness ” are of great significance and profound connotations, and must be thoroughly understood. “Three Strictness and Truthfulness,” Demanding Strictness, Must be Accurately Grasped, Three Strict and Strict “As the responsibility goes down, we must do a good job of implementing it to ensure that we can achieve results. Chen Zhenggao stressed: ”Three strictures and three truths" are concise and handed down the party’s style of work
本文对“NP+的+VP”偏正结构的使用情况作了一番考察,概括了它的句法语义语用特点。在此基础上分析了两个跟“NP+的+VP”偏正结构相关的歧义格式,给出了排歧办法。 This paper makes a sur