立法听证是立法主体在立法活动中 ,进行有关涉及到公民、法人或者其他组织的权益的立法时 ,给予利害关系人发表意见的机会 ,是立法活动中的一项程序制度。总的来说 ,它是一项有利有弊的制度。本文从技术和宪政两个层面分析了立法听证制度的功能 ,以及影响功能发挥的因素。并根据分析提出我国在借鉴和采纳这一制度 ,推进立法民主化的过程中应注意的几个方面。
Legislative hearings are the opportunities for legislators to express their opinions to their stakeholders when making legislative decisions on legislation relating to the rights and interests of citizens, legal persons or other organizations. This is a procedural system in legislative activities. In general, it is a pros and cons system. This essay analyzes the function of legislative hearing system and the factors that affect its function from two aspects of technology and constitutionalism. According to the analysis, it puts forward several aspects that our country should pay attention to in drawing lessons from and adopting this system and promoting the democratization of legislation.