On the Inheritance and Innovation of Traditional Cultural Art Elements in Landscape Design

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  Abstract: In landscape design, the inheritance and innovation of Chinese traditional cultural art elements is an important topic. This paper mainly talks about the importance of Chinese traditional cultural art elements and relations of inheritance and innovation of traditional elements in Landscape Designing.
  Key words: Landscape Design;traditional culture; inheritance and innovation
  Nowadays, the development of landscape design is a great success, during which every wonderful works embody the inheritance and innovation of traditional elements, which not only contains the tradition of philosophy, but also shows the essence of Chinese traditional culture, as well as its unique artistic techniques. The concept of "nature and humanity” is an important view in landscape design, which conforms to the development concept of harmony between man and nature that modern society pursues. With the study of Chinese traditional culture elements, we can get a lot inspiration conducive to modern landscape design. So, we should pay attention to the inheritance traditional culture essence, and endow with new vitality.
  With several thousand years of development and condensing the Chinese culture essence, Chinese traditional culture has formed unique connotation, which means "implicative, introverted, extensive and profound" from the art performance. Chinese traditional culture art element is the image carrier of humanistic thought, which pursues the harmony, temperance, simple and implicit idea that is in direct line of humanistic thought, conception of nature and philosophical view. It is based on the mutual idea of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism thought and fully demonstrates the aesthetic of Chinese nation. It also shows the wisdom, artistic conception and spirit in Chinese style. It is the symbol of inner culture, character and integrity of Chinese nation, such as the pavilion gallery, tower, temple, local-style dwelling houses, blue bricks tiles and other traditional building symbols, all of which displays unique architectural art and aesthetic view of Chinese nation. Above all of these plays an important guiding role in landscape design.
  Modern landscape design extracts and purifies Chinese traditional culture art element using modern forms of expression and blends with time environment to show visual impact and unique aesthetic features. Chinese modern landscape design is facing with a shock by different design styles. Only with in-depth study of Chinese traditional culture and rejecting the bad and taking the essence can modern landscape design keep on its own unique nature. Only inheriting the essence of the nature of Chinese nation and innovating constantly with time changing, can Chinese landscape keep the real development direction. But how can we grasp the direction? It is often said that to innovate in the inheritance and develop in the inheritance. And inherit and develop the essence of Chinese traditional elements and apply to modern landscape design. But what we call developing in the inheritance is not only to inherit a pattern and a decoration, but to explore its spiritual essence through the form and performance of traditional elements. A real high quality work of Chinese landscape design is a perfect fusion of traditional elements and modern reality, which makes it with strong visual aesthetic feeling and harmonious atmosphere that sends out the spirit of Chinese culture and is easily to affected. There are many classical works in Chinese classical landscape design. Many designers design a community directly with traditional landscape design which is actually a blunt behavior. In short, landscape design and the architecture is a unified whole. The traditional classical landscape and the building are complementary, harmonious and unified to each other. The building itself is a landscape, and in the landscape also has the construction, which looks perfect.   The harmonious relationship and its spirit must be inherited, using modern method to innovate the essence to make the design create a harmonious relationship among surrounding buildings, population and the environment. Fully grasp the relationship and make it perfect. So it is necessary to combine with the base address. On the other hand, start from the whole and put first things first. From the local actual situation, use the native culture elements to create, which is often be used by many designers. But in modern society, there are still a lot of designers designing too blindly and too formally and escaping the local culture. The most obvious design is in the new rural construction of village construction, which ignores the local environment. Some designs are too formal, which does not conform to the mind space requirements of hotel group and the local environment. Such an environment atmosphere does not meet with the healthy life, and more out of the city's ecological requirements. So the designer should pay attention to the reality and the importance of people-oriented.
  With the increasing development of social economy and science and technology, people attach more importance to spiritual enjoyment with material conditions gradually being satisfied. The pursuit of special landscape architecture is becoming more and stronger. Under the environment of modern landscape life, if we can put the essence of Chinese traditional culture elements into the landscape design, it will bring more national sense of belonging for Chinese people and promote the harmonious development among people and between people and society, and show much more better Chinese culture to the world to display the charm of Chinese nation.
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