高等医学教育是高等教育体系中的重要组成部分,承担着为人民健康和医疗卫生事业培养人才的重要任务。进一步加强高等医学院校人力资源建设与管理,提高医学院校人才培养质量和水平,是当前医学院校改革和建设的重要任务。本文从理念、体制、机制等方面入手,梳理分析了医学院校人力资源建设与管理的现状及存在问题,提出了医学院校人力资源建设和管理现存的6个方面的深层次矛盾;在此基础上,结合医学院校学科和人力资源特点,提出了以人为本、以学科为基础、综合协调推进等8项对策和建议。“,”Higher medical education,which is an important part of higher education system,has the function of training talents for people’s health and medical healthcare area.A vital task,comes out from the current reform and construction in medical universities,is to enhance the human resource devel-opment and management and to improve the cultivation quality of medical talents.Analyzed the current sta-tus and existing issues within human resource development and management of medical universities,this paper proposed deep clashes from six aspects.On this basis,with the combination of academic and human resoarce features of medical universities,the paper proposed eight countermeasures and suggestions inclu-ding put people first,see academic studies as the basis,adopt comprehensive and coordinative approaches advancing forward.