Competition is the source of innovation and is of great significance to promoting China’s economic restructuring and upgrading. However, the competition is self-destructive and can not be self-healing or the cost of orthodontic treatment is too high and it is urgently necessary to intervene and adjust through the means of state public power. Correspondingly, competition policy has also become a tool of competition management in modern market economy countries. For China, still in its transition period, the implementation of competition policy is not only of great significance but also of many challenges. Due to the influence and function of the objective factors such as the system reform, the rule of law and the cultural tradition, the government prefers the application of industrial policies in the economic governance and brings the concept and mechanism obstacles to the implementation of the competition policy. Therefore, it is necessary to implement the competition policy To try to change the concept of economic governance and strengthen the basic position of competition policy so as to provide institutional and institutional guarantee for the effective implementation of competition policy.