可编程器件为介于批量生产的标准产品和定做或半定做专用电路之间的器件,它们在针对用户要求进行最后定做之前均是标准生产产品。最后定做工序通常或者是在芯片上进行最后的连接(掩膜可编程),或者是对已经做在芯片上的连接予以破坏(现场可编程)。 对于掩膜可编程器件,其最后定做工序是由器件厂家通过连接相应的内部点而完成的。而现场可编程器件则可由用户针对自己的需要通过规定的电信号来破坏相应的内部连接通路。
Programmable devices range from standard products in mass production to custom-made or semi-custom circuits, which are standard production products until they are finalized to the user’s requirements. The final customization process is usually either the last connection on the chip (mask programmable) or the destruction of the already done on-chip connection (field programmable). For mask programmable devices, the final customization process is done by the device manufacturer by connecting the corresponding internal point. The field programmable device by the user for their own needs through the provisions of the electrical signal to destroy the corresponding internal connection path.