旧金山VS.洛杉矶:经营之道 何以致胜(八)

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5.2非正式制度对于非正式制度的研究,从两个角度展开,一个是决策层的经营理念,另一个是决策层的社会关系网络特征。(1)经营理念由于建立了“制度变迁理论”而获得1993年诺贝尔经济学奖的美国经济学家、历史学家道格拉斯·诺斯(Douglass North)认为,决策层的经营理念与经济发展之间存在递归关系,对选择什么样的经济发展路径影响重大。通过分析这两个区域内主要的商务圆桌会议(bUsiness roundtables)及网络论坛(networking forusm)——包括旧 5.2 Informal Institutions The study of informal institutions starts from two perspectives. One is the business philosophy at the decision-making level and the other is the social network characteristics at the decision-making level. (1) Business philosophy Douglass North, an American economist and historian who won the Nobel Prize in economics in 1993 for establishing the theory of “system change,” believes that the business philosophy and economy of the decision-making level There is a recursive relationship between developments, which has a major impact on the kind of economic development path chosen. By analyzing the major business roundtables (bUsiness roundtables) and networking forusm (both forums) in these two regions, including the old