Efficient method for isolation of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells

来源 :中国组织工程研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WANGZHHUO
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BACKGROUND: The theoretical value of the mesenchymal stem cel s from human umbilical cord isolated by the traditional methods is far away from that of the mesenchymal stem cel s from human umbilical cord contained in the human umbilical cord tissues, which lead to the great waste of the umbilical cord tissues and prevent the large-scale preparation and culture of mesenchymal stem cel s.nrnOBJECTIVE: To optimize and develop a new efficient method for the isolation of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cel s in order to provide the technical solutions for the clinical application of mesencymal stem cel s.nrnMETHODS: The experiment was divided into four groups. The control group was treated with traditional enzymatic method (trypsin and col agenase type II), on this basis, the col agenase type Ⅳ, hyaluronidase and DNase were added into the umbilical cord tissues for digestion. The indicators obtained through different isolation methods and different operation time were compared, including the amount of the cel s, cel s activity, time for the occurrence of the primary cel adherent and fusion time, as wel as the proliferative capacity, surface markers and differentiation capacity of the passage 3 umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cel s.nrnRESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Col agenase type II, col agenase type IV, trypsin, hyaluronidase, and DNAase were used to digest the umbilical cord, thus cel count reached up to (12.47±0.16)×106/cm (P <0.01) in 4 hours; cel activity was (75.00±5.07)(P <0.01); CD105 positive cel rate was 41.1%; and CD29 positive cel rate was 83.1%, these measurement indicators in the experimental groups were higher than those in the control group; the obtained cel s got adherent and associated fusion, and the time in the experimental groups was shorter than that in the control group (P <0.01); the cel s gradual y got uniform shape, the cel morphology of the third-passage was spindle-shaped and swirling. The positive rates of the specific markers CD44, CD105 and CD29 of passage 3 human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cel s were higher than those in the control group, and the positive rate of CD34 in the experimental groups was lower than that in control group. After induction to fat cel s for 4 weeks, differentiation results were assayed by oil red O staining, showing that a large number of lipid droplets were observed in cel s; the differentiation capacity to osteoblasts was measured by alizarin red staining, and visible positive calcium deposition was observed. The experiment demonstrated that the combination of col agenase type Ⅱ, col agenase type Ⅳ, hyaluronidase, trypsin and DNAase for digestion of umbilical cord for 4 hours could significantly improve the yield, viability and proliferation ability of mesenchymal stem cel s and shorten the time of isolation. In addition, the time for primary mesenchymal stem cel s to adhere and grow to confluence was shortened by using the combined digestion method than common digestion method. And the ratio of mesenchymal stem cel s in the primary mesenchymal stem cel s and the purity of the passage three mesenchymal stem cel s obtained using combined digestion method are much better than those isolated using common digestion method.
【摘要】 急诊医学和危重监护室学科的发展,急重症救护领域的概念和技术受到医护人员的高度重视,重症监护室是收治与抢救危重病人的场所。因此,重症监护室的仪器设备需要应用最先进的且时刻注意管理和维护,本文主要来阐述这方面的问题。  【关键词】 重症监护室;仪器;管理;维护  1 重症监护室仪器设备的类型  重症监护室作为抢救病人的“紧急”场所,除了具有常规的医疗器械设备之外还要有一些特殊的设备。  1.
目的:研究小叶杜鹃总黄酮-聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)固体分散体的最佳制备工艺。方法:选用L9(34)正交表设计试验,以固体分散体中总黄酮2 h累积溶出率作为评价指标,采用减压干燥法
【关键词】 消化性溃疡;出血;护理  消化性溃疡是常见病、多发病,主要发生在胃和十二指肠的慢性溃疡,即胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡,因溃疡形成与胃酸/胃蛋白酶的消化作用有关,故称消化性溃疡。而上消化道出血是溃疡病最常见的并发症,约占溃疡病的15%-25%[1],溃疡大出血系溃疡侵蚀动脉引起明显出血症状,表现为大量呕血和柏油样便,以致发生休克,致生命危险,本院于2008——2012年共收治106例,通过系统
坠积性肺炎是由于多种原因导致的患者长期卧床而形成的常见呼吸道并发症[1]。 具有对常用抗生素不敏感,治疗效果欠佳的特点。由于肺部感染长期不愈,反复发作,成为重症患者直接或间接死亡的原因,严重影响患者的预后。因而需要引起患者和医务工作者高度重视,认真防治,以降低坠积性肺炎的发病率和病死率。  1 主要护理措施  1.1 湿化气道 雾化吸入是治疗呼吸系统疾病的有效手段之一,可以将药物直接输送到支气管及
【摘要】 随着时代的进步,我国的法制制度建设的不断完善,法律知识的不断普及,人们在生活中的维权意识高涨。而很多医院由于工作的失误,造成了病人和家属的不满,从而引发了大量的医疗纠纷事件。由于大量的医疗纠纷事件的出现,从而给医院和患者双方面都带来了很大程度的损失,医疗纠纷问题已经被全社会广泛的关注起来。面对这种情况,医疗纠纷档案的管理工作逐渐被人们所重视,一份好的、齐全的档案,既能作为医疗纠纷解决的凭
【摘要】 目的 探讨糖尿病合并症的诱发因素及护理对策。方法 回顾性分析我科糖尿病合并症的患者102例进行分析讨论,分析导致出现糖尿病合并症的相关诱发因素,并对诱发因素实施有效的护理干预对策,控制和预防糖尿病合并症的发生和发展,给予患者实施糖尿病的健康教育措施。结果 此组患者经过有效的护理干预对策,糖尿病合并症得到良好的治疗,同时血糖也得到良好的控制,最终均康复出院。结论 糖尿病合并症是糖尿病的危险
近年来由于各种原因引起的皮肤缺损,患者往往需要进行皮瓣移植修复缺损,我科自2011年来共进行各类皮瓣手术52例,现将护理体会报告如下:  1 临床资料  本组病例52人,男31例,女21例,其中小孩6例,10例为急诊手术,其它均为二期手术,其中20例为急诊清创VSD引流后,接受二期手术,皮瓣成活率達99%。  2 护理  2.1 术前护理  2.1.1心理护理 术前必要的心理护理,可以消除患者紧张