在被国际组织选定为世界“最适于人类居住的城市”之一的温哥华,拥有北美第二大唐人街。大温哥华地区30多万人的华人社区中生活着数千齐鲁儿女。从当地华人报纸和电视通告中看到山东省同乡会理事会换届选举的消息,本人做为山东学人,借机访问了大洋彼岸这个同乡会。 “我们的大家庭” 山东同乡会会址离唐人街不远,设在老市区一座僻静的二层建筑里。走上楼梯,迎面看到“山东省同乡会”牌子,切实感受到一种“华夏文化”气氛(在加拿大城市,一般看不到办公机构挂匾牌)。这一天,正是理事会改选的
In Vancouver, one of the world’s “best cities for human habitation”, selected by international organizations, it owns the second-largest Chinatown in North America. Thousands of Qilu children live in the Chinese community of more than 300,000 in Greater Vancouver. From the local Chinese newspapers and television announcements, I saw the news about the general election of Shandong Provincial Association Council. As a scholar in Shandong, I personally took the opportunity to visit this fellow countryman on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. “Our family ” Shandong fellow club site not far from Chinatown, located in a secluded secluded two-story building in the old city. Go up the stairs and see “Shandong Province Association” brand, truly feel a “Chinese culture” atmosphere (in Canada, the general can not see the office hanging plaque). On this day, it is the election of the council