
来源 :中国果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maxin_smart
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葡萄生产上历来采用一年生休眠枝扦插进行繁殖,这种方法简便易行,一般情况下能达到繁殖的目的。但是这种方法繁殖材料的来源有限,且扦插的时间集中。葡萄每年夏季的修剪量大,如果能把修剪下的枝条加以利用,将大大增加繁殖材料。随着生长调节物质的研究进展和扦插设备的不断改进,全日照下弥雾嫩枝扦插(全光雾扦插)的优 The grape production has always been the annual reproduction of dormant branch cuttings, this method is simple and easy, under normal circumstances can achieve the purpose of breeding. However, this method has limited sources of propagating material, and cutting time is concentrated. The amount of pruning in the grapes is very large each summer, and if the pruning branches can be used, the propagation materials will be greatly increased. With the development of growth regulators and the continuous improvement of cuttings equipment, all-day under the mist Mizuka cuttings (all light fog cutting)