
来源 :沈阳农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tlhcm
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1.本试验乃在前福建省立农学院农艺试验场举行,其目的为欲明了花生在永安环境下的开花习性。 2.试验分温室(无保温设备)与田间二环境,各植Valaya(-1),玉林(a-1) 及凭祥三品种都来自前闽省农事试验场。 3.在永安环境下,花生由播种至开花约需38.38±5.11日,由播种至开始开花所需日数的品种间、环境间都有显著的差异,在温室者(40.53±4.28)较在田间者(36.2±4.06)为长。 4.花生花的开放都在白天,大多数集中在六点七点,占总观察花数98.00%,尤以六时开放最多达总观察花数53.80%。 5.花生花在田间环境者以温度22°—24.9℃之间开放最多,占总观察花数87.35%,在17℃以下32℃以上时没有一花开。 6.花生花在田间环境者,花的开放大部集中在相对湿度86%至100%约占该环境观察花数的97.56%。 7.就温湿度二者相互作用言时,花生花以在温度22°—24.9℃湿度95%至100%时开花最多,占总观察花数的82.89%。 8.花生花的开花数目与温湿度没有显著的相关;温度与湿度相关显著为负相关。当相对湿度为常数时,温度与花生的开花数目有显著的正相关。温湿度与开花的複相关很显著。 9.花生每株由开始开花至不再开花,其间经过的时间,因环境的不同而有差异。 10.花生每株开花的数目,因环境的不同而有差异。 11.花生花以在开放之第三十六日至九十六日开放最多,占总开花数88.914%;此六十日内逐日开花数差异尚少;最多为第五十九日,占2.658%;最少为第六十三日,占0.658%;由此可知花生花的开放,没有集中的趋势。 12.花生植株花的开放顺序,系由下而上,下部最先开放,顺序而上顶端最后开放。 1. This experiment was held at the Agronomy Experimental Farm of Fujian Agricultural College before its purpose was to understand the flowering habits of peanuts in Yong’an environment. 2. Experimental sub-greenhouse (no heat insulation equipment) and field environment, planting Valaya (-1), Yulin (a-1) and Pingxiang three varieties from the former Fujian Provincial Agricultural Experimental Field. 3. In Yongan environment, the peanut from planting to flowering takes about 38.38 ± 5.11 days, there are significant differences between the varieties from planting to the number of days required for flowering, in the greenhouse (40.53 ± 4.28) than in the field (36.2 ± 4.06) was longer. 4. Peanut flowers are open during the daytime, most of them are at 6.7, accounting for 98.00% of the total observed flowers, especially up to the maximum of 53.80%. 5. Peanut flowers in the field environment at the highest temperature between 22 ° -24.9 ℃ open up, accounting for 87.35% of the total observed flowers, below 17 ℃ below 32 ℃ when no bloom. 6. Peanut flowers in the field environment, most of the flowers are concentrated in the relative humidity of 86% to 100% of the total number of flowers accounted for 97.56% of the environment observed. 7. On the interaction between temperature and humidity words, peanut flower at the temperature of 22 ° -24.9 ℃ humidity 95% to 100% when the flowering, accounting for 82.89% of the total observed flowers. There was no significant correlation between the number of flowering peanut flowers and temperature and humidity. The correlation between temperature and humidity was significantly negatively correlated. When the relative humidity is constant, the temperature has a significant positive correlation with the number of flowering peanuts. The correlation between temperature and humidity and flowering is significant. 9. Peanut per plant from the beginning of flowering to no longer flowering, during which time, due to different environments have different. 10. The number of flowering peanuts per plant, due to different environments are different. 11. Peanut flowers are most widely opened from the 36th to the 96th, accounting for 88.914% of the total number of flowers opened. There are few differences between the 60th and the 21st days. The maximum is 59th, accounting for 2.658% ; At least for the sixty-third day, accounting for 0.658%; From this we can see that peanut flowers open, there is no concentration trend. 12. Peanut plant flower opening sequence, from the bottom up, the first open lower, the order of the top and last open.
本文综合阐述了21世纪以来应用SEM, TEM. STM. XRD. SLCM等设备研究观察各种材料中的过冷奥氏体转变规律,发现了许多新的试验现象,如:珠光体表面浮凸、钢中马氏体层错亚结构、
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