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新闻教育对媒介化社会的运行具有重要的意义。新闻教育的运作在相当的程度上取决于大学新闻学院的院长。院长作为学科或专业的总负责人,是承上启下的枢纽。所谓承上,即对校长负责,遵循校长的办学理念,确定学院的教育方针、目标及路径。启下,则是作为一院之长,赋予学院以灵魂,组织学院的教师,落实校长的办学理念和学院的教育方针、目标定位,引导学生全心向学,达成培养目标,同时组织科研活动,服务社会。院长责任重大。什么样的人最适合担任新闻学院的院长?在考虑院长人选时,出身、资历、学养、能力、操守、人脉、资源等因素,孰重孰轻,值得学校和教育当局深思。 Journalism education is of great significance to the operation of the media society. The operation of journalism education depends to a considerable degree on the dean of the university’s journalism institute. Dean as a discipline or professional total responsible person, is a hinge. The so-called inheritance, that is, responsible for the principal, follow the principal’s idea of ​​running a school to determine the college’s education policy, goals and path. Qixia is the director of a hospital, giving the college the soul and organizing college teachers, implementing principals’ principles of running schools and the college’s education policy and target, guiding students to wholeheartedly learn and reach the goal of training while organizing scientific research activities ,serve the society. Chief responsibility. What kind of person is best suited to serve as Dean of the School of Journalism? When considering the candidates for dean, their qualifications, qualifications, attainments, abilities, ethics, connections and resources should be considered as priorities. Schools and educational authorities deserve consideration.